Throwing with Intent 6-week course

Throwing with Intent 6-week course


A new course starts October 2024

6 weekly workshops in a small group for potters at intermediate skill level.

Over the 6 weeks you will learn how to make functional objects on the wheel, which you will be able to take home and be proud to use on a daily basis. Skills you will learn include design and form, intermediate throwing skills, turning, handle making and glazing methods and techniques.

This is not an absolute beginners’ course. if you are new to throwing you will need to take an Introduction to Throwing course or an equivalent first and put in some hours of practice before applying for this course. We run a 6-week Learn to Throw course which would get you off to a flying start before tackling this course.

£210 per person, to cover tuition and all materials used during the course, including clay, studio glazes, biscuit and glaze firings.

Tuesday evenings 6.30 - 9.00pm 22nd October - 26 November 2024

Tutor: Karen Groves

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Rebecca is joining us at Clay Studio

Rebecca Fox is a ceramic artist, coming from New York to teach and work in Nottingham. She was born to a British American family and attended university in the United States, where she received her degree in Art, focusing on ceramics. Rebecca has spent the last few years teaching a variety of clay classes in the US, both at university and at local art centers. She has recently been interested in throwing with locally sourced raw clay on the wheel to push the limits of unprocessed materials.